The trainee teacher journey with an accredited provider

The development and introduction of the Core Content Framework for Initial Teacher Training and the Early Career Framework, gives all beginning teachers an entitlement to at least three years of training, professional development and support. Alongside this, the DfE conducted a market review of the ITT sector to ensure that all providers are delivering high-quality, evidence-based training in line with the Core Content Framework.
Initial Teacher Training accreditation
Of the 240 ITT providers nationally, KMT was one of just 80 providers awarded accreditation in Round 1. Feedback provided by the DfE describes how KMT fully met the criteria in every aspect of the accreditation process, outlining how KMT “will provide high-quality ITT and benefit trainee outcomes” and that proposals demonstrate “a good level of knowledge, expertise, experience, capability and capacity.”
Established teacher training
KMT is one of the oldest and largest Accredited Provider of ITT in the country and is organised into five hubs: North Kent & South East London, Medway & Maidstone, East Kent, West Kent & East Sussex and Primary, which covers all geographical areas. Within these hubs, KMT works closely with almost 200 partner schools to deliver an ambitious, broad and balanced curriculum that best prepares trainees for their early careers and beyond. KMT Associate Teachers (ATs) have the opportunity to enhance their training in a range of educational settings on either their A or B placement, including primary and secondary selective and non-selective, special and independent schools.
KMT programmes
The KMT Primary programme covers the 5-11 years age phase. The Secondary programme covers either 11-16 years or 11-18 years, in the full range of subjects.
The KMT Assessment Only route is also offered to schools within the region and beyond. All trainees have the option to study for a distance learning PGCE awarded by Leeds Beckett University.
The trainee teacher journey
ATs begin their learning journey with ‘Transition into Training’. This begins at the point they are offered a place on the programme and continues up to and including KMT induction in September.
School-based teacher training
Once in school every trainee teacher progresses through the Early, Mid and then the Late Stages of Training – each stage coincides with three Assessment Units during the year. The final stage of training, the ‘Late Stage of Training’, runs concurrently with the ‘Transition into Early Career’.
Central-based training
KMT’s central-based training programme is delivered weekly on Thursdays and our key curriculum strands are interwoven throughout professional, subject and combined studies sessions. Purposeful integration is achieved through the close links between all aspects of central-based training and school-based training. Key learning following central-based training is disseminated weekly to mentors so that it can be reinforced in practice to ensure purposeful integration between the KMT programme and school placements.
School-based mentoring
A key element of each AT’s training is their working relationship with their school-based mentor. KMT mentors undertake bespoke training pathways to support their knowledge, develop their skill set, and bring about improved outcomes for the associate teacher.
Qualified Teacher Status
Through every stage, learning is carefully and coherently sequenced, eventually leading to the award of Qualified Teacher Status or ‘QTS’.